
Cycling and knee protection, you can balance it!

It is important to keep the correct riding position:
1. At high speed (90 ~ 100 rpm)choose light (low gear) to tread
If in high cadence, each pedal knee force will be reduced, which can effectively protect the knee. Some people will pedal as hard as possible to get the speed in going up rely on physical strength, which, no wonder will easily bring to the damage of knee part after all the strength of the knee is limited. Therefore, the knee injury generally occurred to those who have better physical strength.
2. cushion transferred to the appropriate location
When riding a bike, the knee pressure will increase with the bending.Most people will adjust the seat at a lower height for the sake of security in accidental events. However, such posture will bring a large amount of pressure on the knee. Long time of maintaining such posture, definitely will give rise to knee problem.The correct seat height is that your leg can keep almost straight treading the pedal at lowest point but with a little bending for circling around.
3. keep knee vertical in the same horizontal plane in pedaling
Knee movement is not as simple as a hinge on a plane of movement, while a little bit of rotation. For example, pay attention to your knees movement in
cycling. If it is vertical movement without any fore-and-aft waggle, it suffers little pressure. However, in case of curve or S-shaped movement (from the
side), then it may cause knee injury.
4. exercise powerful and flexible muscles
Do more leg muscle exercise in daily life while minimize the tolerance of the knee. To prevent knee injury, long-term stretching exercises and weight
training are helpful to exercise the quadriceps,thigh bending muscle and can better strengthen the knee parts and protect it from being injuried if the
quadriceps are strong. Consciously strengthen the quadriceps (the anterior thigh) and cruciate ligament exercise, strengthening the medial quadriceps and
thigh muscle strength (for example, weight squat), combined with the use of muscle stretching, walking, squating or paste Wall exercises and other methods
will pave the way for the patella movement at thigh bone groove.
Like a rubber band the muscle can be flexible against any pull or break at stiffness. The higher the temperature is, the more softer and stretching the
muscle will be. Hence keep warm in cycling otherwise the cool air will lead to stiffness and bring damage to the muscle. Usually you can rub your knees edge
with both hands to promote lubrication protection to the knees.

